If you asked me how I'm doing right now...I might not want to say. Not because I'm doing bad. I just don't always feel the freedom to share heavy things. It's just so much easier to talk about surface-y stuff.
How am I doing? I'm pretty tired. There has been stress. When isn't there stress anymore? If my 3 kids were the only thing on my plate...I'd feel stressed. :) My prayer life is very focused on Amy right now. Adam's sister, Amy, found out there is more cancer in her body. We were doing the little happy dance one minute that it was gone, and the next minute it was all very sobering again. She is doing well after her surgery last week and we are waiting on test results to know more. We just love her so much that it is something on our minds and in our prayers often.
Last week our youngest daughter was wheezing again. Second time in the last month or so. Her doctor had me treat her for asthma sypmtoms (allergies-related?). It was like having a newborn again waking up twice in the night to give her breathing treatments. She's doing much better now, but I was surprised by how taking care of her over the weekend wore me out.
And while this is very shallow...I'll still share it. This weekend my big girls and Adam were on the Father/Daughter campout. I got a lot of cleaning done. It is amazing how much you can do with 3 hours and no children. Right now...it doesn't look like I cleaned at all.
48 hours + 3 children + tired mom = mess.
Inspite of the hard things in life, I'm thanking God often of His presence in my life and in our home. I do not feel alone. Everywhere I turn I'm hearing Him speak to all my situations. I'm talking with family and friends often. God's provided time for me to rest recently. He provided 4 cooked meals in my fridge in the past 7 days when I've wanted to do anything but cook. I just wanted to share a little of that. I hope when you have heavy times you share them too. Things are lighter after you do. :)