We are done working on the nursery for now. I had fun with this room, making up one more nursery. Each of the baby girls' rooms have looked totally different. I couldn't do an all pink room again...so we tried aqua with a little pink this time. (Click on the pic below to enlarge).

Here is my craft project - a butterfly mobile. It's made from a
photo mobile. I took the clips off, added ribbon and paper butterflies cut from a die-cut. I love how it looks from baby's perspective.

My mother-in-law, Karan, completed a gorgeous baby quilt. I love it!

Adam and I are really tired these days. We have been running around trying to tie up loose ends, knowing we will be out of our routine for awhile. It has been fun seeing friends and planning some special time with people before this little newborn shakes things up.
We are feeling more ready...bag is packed, Mom's in town again, and this baby is growing big!