Our 2 month baby check was today. It was confirmed that we have a very healthy (and by that I mean...chubby) baby. She has grown to 12.5 lbs & 24 inches long. Good girl! Miss 90th percentile is not one to skip a meal (yes, that's 90% for both height/weight). I want to say her fathers' genes have something to do with that...
post-shot fatigue
still sweet after a hard morning
ouch! 3 shots (6 vaccines)
haha, have you ever seen honey I blew up the kids? She looks quite large on that table. :)
haha wow she is big and looking healthy. my favorite part is how interested ainsley looks in the background of that top picture. she's obviously very concerned about her baby sister's checkup!
i'm pretty sure thats the exact same look rache gets when i change the channel from gilmore girls to the astros, longhorns or election coverage.
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