secret agents on a mission

Friday, October 17, 2008

We enjoyed a fun "secret agent" birthday party today for a sweet kindergarten friend. Her mom, Kristi, did an amazing job on a creative party. When the kiddos first arrived she brings out the cake and starts to serve it. Only when she starts to cut into it, everyone discovers that it is a fake cake. And all of the kids have to become secret agents on a mission to find the real cake. So cute. They are broken up into teams and each team member gets a t-shirt with their team color. They run all around the yard searching for about 10 clues before finding the prize.

After food and cake, Kristi gathered them around and taught them that we are all given a mission. God gave us the Great Commission and He can help us be good agents for Him by telling others about His love. This was followed by one more mission, which led them to the pinata. Here is my girl with the empty pinata on her head, trying to be funny for her friends...classic. It was a great party!


Susie said...

If it's empty on her head, where's all the candy?? :-)

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