girls, we need to go exploring (the story of my day today)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Wow, Monday mornings are just not that pleasant for me. Here I am being honest...I wake up pretty grumpy. I want to pretend it's Saturday and be in denial that I have plenty to do.
Today was a usual Monday morning plus everyone was a little more grumpy than usual. Can you see what I was dealing with?
  • got some sibling rivalry going on
  • mischievous girl trying to block the camera with her shoe. Ha, it didn't work, sweetie.
  • Ok, the baby was being sweet. She's a sweet pea.
Here was my solution = flee the house. Strap them all down and just drive! That was all I could think about...oh, and caffeinate myself.

Free lunches from Chik-fil-a (thanks to the church), iPod shuffle and my cozy station wagon (I will always love this car).
And we drive and we drive. I have no idea where we are going.
We stayed intrigued with seeing some sites from the car window:
  • downtown city streets & campus
  • Town Lake (I mean Lady Bird Lake...I'm still not used to that)
  • South Congress & South 1st..."Hey girls, the Weird part of town...check it."
  • and hey, Zilker. The playscape called our name and things were looking up.
And they played with enthusiasm.
But it got pretty hot, of course.
Her happy place. I have loved this little quirk of hers for a year now.
"Nose." She is learning how to point out her eyes, nose, mouth and her favorite...her belly button these days.
She found her nose alright. "Sweet Pea, that's not very lady-like."

Just one more important stop. The place where your Daddy asked me to marry him.
Our bench @ Zilker Botanical Gardens. I told them the whole story.
Now we are all tired, sweaty, thirsty...but refreshed.
I don't have days like this often. Time is too precious to be grumpy or at least that's what I'm telling myself to remember.

2 thoughts

Monday, August 31, 2009

I look at these 2 pics, from early summer, and I have 2 thoughts. #1. I love that our favorite little blond is such a loving big sister. #2. She's all over her all the time! It's driving me a little crazy because she is not always gentle...if you know what I mean.

Here she is holding one reluctant baby sis and playing patty-cake.

the outsider

Monday, August 24, 2009

Life is like this for our baby girl. There are so many things that she can't join her sisters in...for now. It won't last long. I just saw this photo and thought it documents this stage of her being a bit of an "outsider." I look forward to the day when she can romp, play & keep up with them (I think). I say that now...

from vacation

Saturday, August 22, 2009

1st day of the 1st grade

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Here she was this morning. A little excited, a little nervous...looking cute and very accessorized. That backpack looks huge! First grade...I can't believe it. This seems like we are really in school now. We stopped and prayed with her this morning & I took as many pictures as I could before I got the exasperated looks. I know she's going to have a lot of fun. I already can't wait to hear about her day.

this Little Peach is 4!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

We celebrated her 4th birthday a week ago today. More photos to come about that soon. Instead of a birthday party we went on vacation, which is a brilliant plan I think. And I don't think we damaged her psyche too bad either...sweet, middle child.

See? She's having fun...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Here's a glimpse of our lake vacation last week which ended much too quickly (more photos to come soon too). I am already dreaming of another getaway as I stare at my chaotic house and the reality that school starts up in 2 days. Nnnoooo!

my girl

Thursday, August 13, 2009

at 13 months
just barely taking steps & loving it

what a mom has to do to get a shower

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

In a little moment of desperation for a shower, I turned my bathtub into a pack-n-play. Here is all you need: one very active baby, a soft towel, a few tub toys, a little silly interaction through the glass...and voila! Doesn't she look happy? Who knew? I think the jury is still out on whether this idea was brilliant or bizarre. What do you think?

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