apple camp

Saturday, July 30, 2011

My computer is still in need of help, but I was able to look through a few photos tonight.  Here are a few photos from our adventure at Apple Camp (aka Apple's indoctrination of their awesomeness to an 8 yr. old).

The two of us enjoyed this free workshop at the Apple Store - The Domain location.  On the first day she "made" an original song on Garage Band with their Smart Instruments.  That may have been her favorite part.  She had to write a storyboard of her film.  On the second day we put the song and her movie clips together in iMovie.  It all wrapped up on Saturday with the Apple Camp film festival.  We went as a family to that and enjoyed the quirky films made by 8-12 year old kids.
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She didn't want me to post her film yet.  But is was a cute movie documenting a tea party she had with friends.  We may have to do this adventure again.  It was too much fun!

summer memories :: sprinkler park date

Friday, July 15, 2011

Pflugerville's sprinkler park with the Magees
The littles ones are so funny and cute.
Impromtu dance party...with "kissing-my-muscles-move?"
The group all together...almost.

summer memories :: lemonade stand on Saturday

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Our oldest never fails to amaze us with her entrepreneurial skills.  She turned her stand into a tiny company and she outsourced the marketing to a friend down the street.  He made a cut of the profits if he rode his bike around the entire neighborhood announcing their fabulous lemonade.  They had so many people drive by in cars and buy a cup on their way out.  Totally hysterical to us. :)

4th of July Part I :: ice cream showdown!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Here is my account of our second annual 4th of July Ice Cream Showdown.  There was drama, laughter, triumph and defeat.  For most of us, it was simply glorious because we had to taste 3 different types of homemade ice cream.  Amazing!

This was the first year for Rachel & Drew to make an entry.  We are checking out their work.  Our spoons are in hand.  Bring it on!
We were all mesmerized by the options.
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We gave each of the 3 contestants a minute to pitch their recipe to the fam.  Julie and Brittany were sweet, humble, and made their ice creams sound as delicious as they were.
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And then Drew, the lawyer in our family, presented his ice cream by opening with "this is my dead grandmother's recipe."  We all responded with hysteric laughter.  Who could let this ice cream lose now?!
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Kiddos first
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No doubt my husband will find this incredibly flattering. :)
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The Vote and Verdict
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  • Aunt Julie - Homemade Vanilla with Butter Pecan (to which my father later confessed to voting for...against his own daughter's...scandal).
  • Brittany - Vanilla Custard with Cinnamon Heath (This was quite a crowd-pleaser.  Brittany makes everything sound splendid & gourmet).
  • Randrew (Rachel & Andrew) - Homemade Vanilla Cookies & Cream (The Winner - but not without a little controversy.)  
Post ice cream happiness...
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It's sure to get bigger and better every year!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

I am looking forward to sorting through a tons of photos from our family time over the 4th.  I did try to get a picture with all 3 sisters.  They gave me about 30 seconds to get, of course, I didn't.  But this first shot was a keeper just because its them.  I love them so much, in spite of how uncooperative they can be all together! :)

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