4th of July Part I :: ice cream showdown!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Here is my account of our second annual 4th of July Ice Cream Showdown.  There was drama, laughter, triumph and defeat.  For most of us, it was simply glorious because we had to taste 3 different types of homemade ice cream.  Amazing!

This was the first year for Rachel & Drew to make an entry.  We are checking out their work.  Our spoons are in hand.  Bring it on!
We were all mesmerized by the options.
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We gave each of the 3 contestants a minute to pitch their recipe to the fam.  Julie and Brittany were sweet, humble, and made their ice creams sound as delicious as they were.
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And then Drew, the lawyer in our family, presented his ice cream by opening with "this is my dead grandmother's recipe."  We all responded with hysteric laughter.  Who could let this ice cream lose now?!
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Kiddos first
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No doubt my husband will find this incredibly flattering. :)
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The Vote and Verdict
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  • Aunt Julie - Homemade Vanilla with Butter Pecan (to which my father later confessed to voting for...against his own daughter's...scandal).
  • Brittany - Vanilla Custard with Cinnamon Heath (This was quite a crowd-pleaser.  Brittany makes everything sound splendid & gourmet).
  • Randrew (Rachel & Andrew) - Homemade Vanilla Cookies & Cream (The Winner - but not without a little controversy.)  
Post ice cream happiness...
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It's sure to get bigger and better every year!


Ashley said...

oh i laughed all over again!
that was a great weekend!
love you

Barie Sue said...

what do I have to do to get adopted into your family? ;-) I can't stand that there is so much fun in one family and I'm missing out!!!

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