my birthday

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Last Friday, Feb. 15th, I celebrated my 29th bday.  That's my real age...and it may be for awhile.  Haha.  I'll remember it as a wonderful day, but I'll always look back and be a little sad that Adam had the flu (and had to miss out).  He is such a sweet guy and had planned a very fun date, that included a night away in a fancy hotel.  Even though he couldn't go out with me, he wanted me to enjoy my day with loved ones.  So after I enjoyed a nice dinner with my parents & kids, my best friend and I got to have a slumber party!  What young mom doesn't dream of this?!  Mary and I had hours and hours of chatting, with no kids interrupting us.  Amazing!
Earlier that afternoon, I enjoyed going to tea with my dear friends, Kathy & Barie.  On Fridays, Keria Tea shop in downtown Round Rock serves a traditional British afternoon tea.  I thought it was too much fun!  My kids napped at Barie's house, she arranged for them be taken care of, and we slipped away for some ladies time.  I am so grateful for the day of pampering.  My husband is all better, so now I don't feel as bad bragging about all that fun I had while he was sleeping.

my fruit snack

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

This is my new favorite picture of her.  Just after nap, she has to have her snack.  She is very adamant about this!  Fruit snacks are one of her favorite things.  Sometimes she says to us, "Mom (or Dad), you are my fruit snack."  That means, "I love you."

a rainy day

Saturday, February 16, 2008

It is has not been our typical Saturday over here.  It's rainy, cold and we are nursing a dad with the flu.  For being such miserable conditions, we tried to make it fun.  The girls and I went to a discount movie (and the rest of Austin had the same idea).  Big sis' had a blast watching a new movie and little sis' enjoyed snacking for 2 hours.  It was a hit!  Everyone took long naps on a day like today, but we were awakened by loud thunder.  (My girls are so scared of that).  What I found fascinating was the fact that a thunderstorm was above our house, but the sun was shining very brightly in the distance.  I don't find many things more beautiful than this, bright sun and rain at the same time.  Our daughters found it pretty fascinating too.  I was in awe of our Creator who can make such beautiful things.

it is pouring rain in this picture, I wish it were easier to see

You know it's a crazy day when...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

...your youngest has their first ER visit
It has been one wild day for me.  Adam came home from work really sick.  It was dance day for big sis', which means little sis and I run around and get a bunch of errands done.  We met a sweet friend and her daughter for lunch, which is where the little one took a bad spill.  She banged her eye pretty hard on the playscape.  Our pediatrician's office encouraged us to go to the ER since it was a hard hit to her eye.  She ended up being fine, and there is nothing to worry about.  Now I am incredibly exhausted after our 5 hour trip to the hospital.  And we should all sleep very well tonight...especially my husband who has a high fever.  They are all falling apart on me!

*and yes, I was the only mom with a camera in the ER waiting room.  But it was her first time, we had 5 hours with nothing to do...

excited about girls

Friday, February 8, 2008

I have been thinking a lot, of course, about what it will be like with one more girl around.  My daughters' excitement is quite contagious.  According to the two them, she will be a lot of fun! "One more sister to play dress-up with," they are thinking.  I am getting to that point where I want to frantically shop, paint and get everything ready for her.  However, I am so tired these days that I don't get very far.  Despite the obstacles, it is a joy to plan for one more sweet baby girl.

it's a girl!

Monday, February 4, 2008

I just had to share baby's first photo!  She was a cute, photogenic thing!  We were so excited to see she is healthy.  And her sisters could not be happier to find out another sister is on the way.  She is expected around the end of June.  We are still thinking about a feel free to pass on ideas.

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