He never lets go.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Our hearts have been heavy for some dear friends of ours this week.  Our friend, Keith, was very suddenly hospitalized and very sick for the past few days.  He is recovering now after surgery, but for awhile there the situation was very scary.  I get to share life with some very godly people and today I'm thankful for the truths that God has reminded me of, through them and through His word over the past couple of days.
  • God is praiseworthy in our valleys, just as much as He is in our victories.
  • Asking God, "What are you doing in the midst of this?" and "What can I know about You, right now, Lord?" is much more helpful than asking "Why, God?"
  • Everything I have, that is good, belongs to the Lord.  I can't walk around worried that I'll lose what I hold dear.  But I am asked to hold everything that I have with an open hand before the Lord.  
Barie, your faith and close walk with our Heavenly Father through this trial has blessed me and I'm sure your loved ones around you so much!
The girls and I love this song, You Never Let Go.  We heard it on the radio today.  David Crowder sings in worship to our Father....
"Ever faithful 
Ever true
You I know
You never let go....
...Oh, what love, oh, what love
In joy and pain
In sun and rain
You're the same
Oh, You never let go"


Unknown said...

So sweet!!! Precious!!!

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