just eating cheerios

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Here is my most random post ever.
It's just cute when they get to this phase...

cute but crabby

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

She's been a little more expressive lately. I'll just say that. After almost 11 months, she's finally discovered that she can fuss like the best of them...about mealtime & naptime & toys. She's making me work a little harder to keep things peaceful.  She's still cute though.

our first lake trip (back in april)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Here was our first trip to the lake to hang with Grammy SueSue and T-Go (my parents). This was a few weeks ago, but I had to do something with these pictures. The girls think that this beach at my parents lake condo place is their own private beach. They always have fun playing with the sand and running in & out of the lake. On this day, it was windy enough for some kite-flying with grandpa T-go. It was a fun day. I'm looking forward to many more this summer.
Don't do it...don't do it...she did it.  
And it was cold.

her 6th birthday party

Monday, May 18, 2009

Wow, this was a while ago now. Here are some pics from her birthday party. It was in the backyard at grandma's house (Grandma Karan...aka G.K.). The big game was a treasure hunt which had a stations, sidewalk chalk decorating, dress up relay, freeze dance, and crazy face contest. It was a funny game, put together at the last minute but the kids didn't notice. They seemed to have a lot of fun. We have a neighbor who generously loaned us their awesome bounce house. I bought cake this year and decorated minimally. I think my party planning skills are suffering now that there are 3 birthdays. I need simple and kids are easy to please.  I just need to remember that.

kinder graduation day

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Here she is on her last day of school today.
The school had a little ceremony and picnic reception.
My rebelliousness against my camera flash did not serve me well, but I love that Dad & baby are in the background.
They sang us several worship songs - How Great is Our God, Everlasting God & In the Secret. This was probably my favorite part. I had such gratefulness in this moment that our little kids could worship together and, during this little milestone, give thanks to God.
Her teacher, Ms. Carlson, gave a tribute to each child where she recognized a unique character quality that she saw in each of her students.
Coming back to give me a kiss. :)
She decorated her hat.
Little sis eating cake...no need for cake when there's icing.
Dad's photo-taking skills. No comment. ;)
My last long drive home for a little while. I'm going to love that about summer!

Dad said the closing prayer for the graduation ceremony and I was mopping up the tears after that. I really thought I had a good chance of not crying. Oh well. Babies growing up and Dad's lovingly praying for them...will get you every time!

muffins with mom

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The kinder year is wrapping up. Today we had the Muffins with Mom breakfast. She was very excited to have me there, even though you'd never know if from this photo.
I love this kid!

brave little hands

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I was impressed with her! I don't remember doing this. Maybe I was even more girlie than I thought. Those nature walks at school are really paying off. She's getting really good with handling little critters.
This was from a few weeks ago, when we visited my parent's lake place.

it all went downhill...fast

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Here we are right after nap today. 
The little one is chipper and sweet which is a little unusual when she first wakes up...so its nice.
The older one was a bit grumpy.
But cuddly.
Everything was going okay...until...
these were introduced. 
They are big sister's last gumballs. And big sis refused to share them and little sis threw a big fit about it...so Mommy said that no one was getting a gumball...and then you have THIS moment!
Everything can go south in any moment around here. Obviously we are trying to work on being selfless and respectful, and we have a long way to go...
So sad.  I know.

10 months

Monday, May 4, 2009

I have been so torn lately. I am excited that this sweet baby is growing up and doing cool things. It's just a little bittersweet. I watch her crawl, clap, wave and interact so playfully...and I think it's all adorable. But in that same moment I think of how babyhood is going by way too fast! I just had to say that...again.
I used to think that photos with that giant pacifier were not cute. Now, I think it's the cutest thing...just holding on to that baby-look, I guess. Fun memory for me...right now she will play with this paci and try to get me to put it in my mouth. In this moment, I am hilarious. She's only belly laughed like that for me. I love it!!

2 cute boys

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I got to take more pictures today! I spent the morning with these two adorable boys. These little guys were so sweet. Here is a sneak peak for their mom, Lindsey.
The morning breeze accentuated his awesome hairdo. Love it.
He was a happy boy with his guitar, which was adorable seeing a 2 year old play with a guitar.
He kept asking me to take his picture...how awesome is that?!
We had fun together.

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