I needed to take some pictures today.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I love this little camera that Mary & the kids gave her.
I've just got to teach her how to use it!
She's been giving me a lot of "fives" lately.
I love it and she thinks she is amazing whenever she does it.
I'm always suckered by little toes.
She's a fun sweetie.
Well, this one too.
Just the 3 of us on another day at home. We've been home a lot lately and I've enjoyed these little moments. It has given me a little perspective on how much we are running, running all the time...I've been thinking about that today.


1. Parkhurst Studios said...

love the reflection in the last shot! great eye kendall :)

2. Ashley Self said...

I love these pictures. so precious. also i am stealing the ikea table idea :)

3. Susie said...

This picture immediately reminded me of this very famous painting by dutch painter, Jan van Eyck -- The Wedding or the Arnolfini Wedding Portrait. I'll try to put a link here. If it doesn't work Google it. I studied it in Art History classes at UT. All that to say, I think you may be an artistic genius! :-)


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