After school we had an impromptu mini-party with Grammy SueSue at the Chik-fil-a. Got a few presents. And a free balloon. ;)

Here's our conversation in the car on the way to the dollar movie theater. How old are you??

Hanging out before dinner...I'm messing around trying to get the 6:40 shot.

I'm taking pics of her taking pics. I have a feeling this will happen a lot over the years...with 3 girls.

she's such a ham. I have no idea what she's doing here.

I couldn't miss the candle shot in the ice cream. After dinner, there was another impromptu party at Baskin Robbins with more grandparents & aunt amy. This kid has it so good!

We all got a kick out of hearing her read her bday cards out loud. It was a rewarding moment. She can read! Yay!