Bobby's farewell

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Adam and I look up to this guy so much! Our old youth pastor and boss (from our youth ministry intern days) is newly hired as the Senior Pastor at Hill Country Bible - Hutto. We are so excited for him, but that didn't stop me from crying like a baby at his staff send-off party. I love it when Adam and Bobby are working together! They make a great team. We know we will still see them a lot (we will make sure of that!), but it still is a bittersweet change. I'll miss seeing him when we pop into the church. Our girls love to be sneaky and play tricks on him! I'm going to miss seeing those interactions, knowing they will be a little less frequent.

Bobby performed our wedding vows. He takes credit for "arranging" our marriage. It has been an amazing blessing to share life with Bobby and Amy. Adam and I watch their godly example so closely, in ministry/parenting/marriage...pretty much everything. If we have a major life decision...we pray & then I've been known to often say "what does Bobby think about that?" He has so much influence in my husband's life and me as well.
He didn't like his new title "Pastor Bob." Just a little joking with him.
I'm looking forward to downloading some HCBC-Hutto podcasts and listening to one of my heroes preach his heart out! We love you Pruitts!!

playing in the rain on a Tuesday morning

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I love these of her catching the raindrops.
They had fun in the warm summer rain, playing with their umbrellas. Then we came inside and snuggled up to watch Sound of Music, the perfect rainy day movie in my opinion. I love rainy days!

birthday cake

Monday, June 29, 2009

She's 1 today! We all enjoyed leftover birthday cake for snack. I look forward to doing something with her party pictures from this morning, but I'm too tired today. I have post-party fatigue...heehee. Okay, I was sad about something. I missed her birth-minute picture. It was supposed to be at 3:27pm. That was during her nap and we were all resting. These cake pictures made me smile in the midst of my silly sadness.

one sweet baby girl

Saturday, June 27, 2009

This morning I had a wonderful time photographing this sweet baby girl. She is the youngest of 2 brothers, so her family is delighted to have a little princess. Here are a few shots to show her mother, Kimberly. I could have held her all day! She was so precious!
I was a little obsessed with her tiny hands and feet. I think it's impossible not to be.
Her mom is doing baby announcements, so I don't want to display too many. But, I had to share just this one. What a doll!

us + snocones = summer

Friday, June 26, 2009

The perfect end to a great Father's day.

her silly self

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tonight I had the privilege of photographing an amazing family of 4 boys. These boys were incredibly charming! Here's a peek at a few pictures for their mom, Ashley, who is an aunt to these little guys. I had so much fun!
Happy Father's Day, Jeremy!


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Today we enjoyed summer...
  • staying in our pj's till 9:30
  • getting to the pool by 10:30
  • snacking on fresh fruit & picnic lunch
  • seeing friends
  • watching the baby discover the water
  • naps all around (almost)
  • grilling out
  • evening walk around the lake
...and it was fun.
Here is a new favorite photo taken by my mom. If I put her up on my shoulders and tickle her - she cracks up. 
But it's not something I usually get to see. I love this memory. 

And speaking of new favorites...I also love these of my mom. She's an awesome grandma (well, "Grammy SueSue" to be exact). I love these snapshots of the connection between grandbaby and grandma. I know I'm weird, but I already fantasize about what that will be like someday. It seems magical.

gotta love sisters

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I got to take a ton of pictures on a recent trip to Fredricksburg. That town is so charming. This sisters shot is priceless to me.

She appeases me from time to time and I love that about her.

This little one wanted to do her own thing. I have no idea what's she's doing or thinking in these photos...but they are still funny to me.

And on that same day...I was loving time with my own sister! I am so happy that she is in Austin for the summer because she lives in Virginia right now. And I miss her like crazy all the time! Here is my fam - mom & dad, sis and cool brother-in-law, Andrew.

mommy & daughter salon day

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I have been waiting to cut this child's hair for a long time.  We had to have it long enough to put back for the recital.  Now summer is here & that called for a cute bob!  I found a deal online where I could take her to my salon and, with my haircut, she'd be free.  Sweet!  We just had to make it a mommy/daughter date.
She enjoyed a milkshake on the ride home. On the way back, I'm thinking (for the first time) what have I gotten myself into?? She can't get used to the fancy salon at age 3. Oh well, she's the she could use some extra-pampering, I concluded.
I should be embarrassed to admit this...but after all my haircuts I take a photobooth picture with my computer of the front & back. I always send it to my mom and sister...all girls do this, right? I also do it so that I can aspire to fix my hair like the stylist does. Anyways, she had to join me in my tradition and end our date with a few more pics.

recital day

Monday, June 1, 2009

the old pro (or so she thought)
her first recital
first year dancing together

check out their moves!

Monday, June 1, 2009

They both had 2 dances each, but for the sake of not seeming like a crazy-stage-mom...I'll post just one (for each). For both dances, our girls are on the very end - to the right. It was fun!
Tip:  if you want to see the video without annoying glitches...pause it so that it buffers a bit.  That seems to help.

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