Last night was a long night for us. This little one was fine one minute and the next minute running a 104 degree temperature. It was really hard to keep this fever down, and I began to wonder...has it hit our house?!
Yep, we took her in to her doctor this morning. She was diagnosed with
Type A flu. I asked, "When asked if she has the swine flu, what do I say?" Their response, "It is about 95% likely to be the swine flu." Not totally sure why their was still a little mystery to her answer, but she tested positive for flu. We were fortunate enough to have Tamiflu in her within the hour. I've been told that the next 2 days are going to look like this...
After asking about a dozen questions about what to expect, I'm not worrying (praying -> yes!, but not freaking out). She should be feeling much better by Sunday evening. (I'm trying to calm down any relatives who might panic reading this. Her doctor is watching her closely and says that she will be fine once the virus runs its course).
Having sick kids really simplifies my life to the most basic of tasks. Being "mom" and taking care of our home. God's helping me find joy in these things, even though none of this is easy.

I have to end with a few happy is our little peach 4 days ago. She's sweet. She'll be back to her "bright" self very soon.