we love family
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Over the holidays the girls have been blessed by a sleepover with each grandma. They look forward to these so much. On this particular day, our girls were eagerly waiting by the door for their Grandma Karan "G.K." The sign that my oldest made just cracked me up. She was waiting curbside for her grandmother...with her GK bus signage.
Kids are cute. I think they are especially adorable when they light up around family. Each of my kiddos really loves their family members. We have fun with them and depend on them so much. Over the Christmas break we heard sad news that our dear Amy (Adam's sister) has cancer once again. I told my oldest daughter today and held her while she cried a little bit. She loves her aunt so much and doesn't want her to be sick. We all feel that way and wish that this wasn't happening. With that said, we are very hopeful she will recover. It is not as serious as other times that she has faced treatment, but it's still alarming. And still makes our hearts sad that this road is not over for her. Our time with Amy over Christmas was so incredibly sweet for us. We really treasure her and what she brings into our family. She is a loving aunt and sweet sister. Amy has always impressed me with her strength and steadiness. We are praying for her health and peace right now...knowing our Lord can sustain her through this trial like He has been merciful to do in the past. love, KC

goofing off with first words
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Toddlers are fun to goof around with. I never know just what she is understanding exactly or thinking. But it's not hard to tell if she's having fun. This little squirt brightens my days.

Every time we are at the changing table we practice our vocabulary. It's part silly and part purposeful. Here she is just before bedtime on Christmas Eve. It's late so she's in a goofy mood and is very difficult about saying my name...I think. (And I blame the darkness for my horrible videographer skills, even though I clearly have no video skills to begin with).
a new level of dress up...
Monday, December 14, 2009
...dressing their baby sister up in every tutu in the house.
I'm happy to report that baby sis' thought it was a lot of fun too.

there are so many Advent ideas out there...
Monday, December 7, 2009

I've asked a few friends and searched the web and there are a lot of great ideas out there!
Advent ideas:
- List of Christmas readings (#1-#25) :: this is from a neighbor from our seminary days and it helped me. I put one reading in each of out 25 "mittens". I also love her idea to pray as a family for other loved ones by using the Christmas cards they get that day (so sweet).
- I printed some sheet music from this church's Advent guide. I loved that they wove in a worship song that applied to the lesson for that day. Adam has said that he will try to lead us in worship with his guitar. I love it when he does!
- For the little ones, I thought this video was a neat idea. It's a storybook style presentation of the Christmas story.
- I appreciated reading a little history on Saint Nicholas.
- My friend, Mary, sent me this link that is full of Advent ideas. I was happy to see a long list of ideas of activites that we can do as a family. I didn't want the whole Advent activity turn into a "25 presents until we get to the big day of presents" ritual. Her ideas were the perfect example of what I was going for.
- Some of the ideas that Mary had already helped me brainstorm were: smores, hot cocoa dessert, living room picnic/Christmas movie night, a Christmas craft...I had a list last year of family activities that I looked back on too.
Wow! Those are a bunch of links. It helps me to get them all written down in one place. Hope it helps you too.
We have already enjoyed 2 new Christmas outings for us -
Bethlehem in Burnet with my parents

you have to celebrate a little snow in texas!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
For about 5 minutes we enjoyed the novelty of snow. I promise it's there...just a little hard to prove. :)

let it snow, let it snow...
Friday, December 4, 2009
We are spending some time in the Hill Country this weekend. I am so ready to see some snow! Even just a little snow sounds amazing to my little Texans.
I just found my new favorite Pandora station - The Choir of King's College (Holiday). It is a collection of Christmas carols. I love carols. (Plus the classical music makes me feel a little more intelligent, you know?)

I was excited about an easy craft project I accomplished this week. I thought my family might be interested because all the ladies in my family have these mitten-giftcard-holders from Ashley (who got them donated from Starbucks). This year I made them into Advent garland by adding stick-on felt numbers from Hobby Lobby. No sew. Just hung them up. I'll post about what we fill them with soon just for fun.

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