they should be dreaming sweet dreams...

Saturday, October 31, 2009

...after fun trick-or-treating & sorting their 10lbs of candy.
Our little peacock, bubble bath baby & hot air balloon enthusiast
trick or treat

I LOVE the little things

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

She is in a "kissy" phase right now. Particularly, when she wakes up from naps. She gives her bear sweet mom big sis - nothing. Haha.
One day this old iPod will really date this photo, am I right? It is a little sad, that once such a prized possesion, is now a toddler toy. This one is really, really old...we're talking 2004.

we both wake up a little cranky

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 is one of our many things we have in common.

coffee with the kiddo

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I wanted to document our impromptu mommy-daughter date from this weekend. I wish I could say this was planned & purposeful time with her. Honestly, I saw a coupon for a free cookie and kid's hot chocolate at Barnes & just sounded like fun. On Saturday, while the other two were napping, we slipped away for a little time together. I am so glad that we did.
I gave her some money and she enjoyed purchasing the cookie-the-size-of-her-face, all by herself. She loves acting grownup. There are little adventures, like this, that are fun to witness. She was also proud of her whip-cream mustache.
We looked at books. I tried to be really excited about all of them (not so subtly trying to encourage a love for reading). The excitement rubbed off on her & she wanted to buy a load of books right then and there. I didn't see this coming (all the way)...and then had to act really excited about the library! This was when she got her first lesson on taking notes of book titles & authors, "We'll look them up at the library for free, honey, & we'll be able to enjoy more that way!" (wink, wink)

Next, she wanted to go to Oo La La. It's so funny to me that she loves this store. The truth is...the store owner bought her affection with lollipops. On this trip, her loyalty was sealed forever when the store owner gave her a "V.I.P" pin, which ensured that she could have as many lollipops as she wanted the next time she came in. That lady is brilliant!
As a little treat, I bought her a little beaded ring. We thought it was cute.
I got this one photo of her before we left. I see a hint of sweetness & a little mischievousness, behind that smile. It is so "her" to me.

U2 360 tour :: we loved this concert

Monday, October 26, 2009

Most all of my photos are of the images on the giant screen above them. (It was definitely a night where I was dreaming of an amazing telephoto zoom lens).
The set was incredibly cool. Visually, I couldn't believe how many elements there were. With all of the camera work on the band, it felt like we were watching a live movie...if that makes any sense. I had forgotten how much you feel a rock shakes your insides! Such a blast though.

Bono plucked a 14 yr. old boy out of the audience and ran around the stage with him...looked fun for that kid.
The band's exit. When you wait for a concert for 6 months, 3 hours goes really fast! We loved it.
U2 360 | Dallas, TX | new Cowboys Stadium | Monday, October 12, 2009
opening act : Muse
Our show:
Get on Your Boots
Mysterious Ways
Beautiful Day
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Stuck In A Moment
No Line on the Horizon
Until The End of the World
Unforgettable Fire
City of Blinding Lights
I'll Go Crazy - Remix
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Walk On
Where The Streets Have No Name

With or Without You
Moment of Surrender

look at these supercute babies!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I took some baby portraits for my cousin & 2 close friends at the end of the summer. I just wanted to post some, even though they are already filed away in the archives. These 3 wonderful families have adorable babies, don't they?!

it is still hard to believe...

Monday, October 19, 2009

...that when we get our daughters together for a playdate - there are 6 girls! Mary and her 3 girls joined us today for lunch & a little playtime. They are so sweet.

Each month they memorize a poem in school.

Friday, October 9, 2009

This is the poem from September. I had to record it while she still has it memorized.
October's "Autumn Greeting" author unknown + some outtakes.

our baby's a toddler now

Thursday, October 8, 2009

She's been walking for a few weeks now, but she is still incredibly proud of her accomplishments. She is still seeking endless praise and flashing big smiles when she takes a long stroll.

I love her tight grip. It melts my heart.

Do you think she likes this?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

having fun with dad

I think they will always have memories of Dad being a fun dad. (One little memory for me: This girlie is obsessed with layering her clothes. However, she says, "Look at my laders. Do you like them?" Adam always catches her mispronunciations better than me. This is one I hear everyday, but never noticed until he pointed it out.) Laders...she's cute.

I need Jesus everyday.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

what is around my house right now - Ephesians 6:1, Colossians 3:1, James 1:20, Psalm 143: 8

In the moment just before I hit "publish post" on this post - I heard my daughter spill a glass of orange juice on the playroom carpet. I got upset & raised my voice. In this moment, I was reminded why I wanted to share this in the first place.

I'm not so spiritual that I have scripture written all over my house. The reality is...I'm such a mess apart from Jesus and His Word. My friend, Barie, encouraged me this week to write out scripture all around my house. It is already helping me turn to God when I need to the most, during those everyday moments, when I'm tested.

We love where we live.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tonight, we took part in National Night Out. We were so glad that Pflugerville chose a later date for the event, so we could beat the heat (well, sort's was a little better than August). Our neighborhood does a great job with the event. We enjoyed hot dogs, sno cones, a clown, bounce house, music and door prizes. The girls had a blast. Adam and I had enjoyed visiting with neighbors (we think more than a 100 people were there, at its height). It was a fun family night.

finding fall :: the morning breeze

Friday, October 2, 2009

It was actually cool this morning in our backyard! It has been so hot for so long that it felt like the biggest treat to be outside for an hour and not sweat-like-crazy.

They were finally playing on the slide again because it wasn't sizzling hot. Yay!

Will you swing me instead of taking pictures?


Here is our enormous okra plant. Do any of us like okra? Not really. So, of course, it would be the one thing that this fledgling garderner could grow humongous and plentiful.

I loved this as a kid.


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