I have so much to learn...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wow, life is going to be busy this fall.  I feel like I'm trying to guard against busyness all the time.  But you add school on top of our normal crazy life...and it feels like a lot.  God has been doing a work on me too about how I'm doing in training the girls.  By that I mean...really teaching them biblical character and giving them discipline when they need it (not just when it's convenient).  I was really able to see some of my blindspots after listening to this radio interview and an article by Ginger Plowman.
I can tell we are going to spend a lot of time in the "school room" now.  I'm fumbling through trying to figure out this new homeshooling role I have...with all 3 girls pulling me in different directions.
Good thing she sees schoolwork as fun or this could be a lot harder.
our kindergartner - hard at work

sister playtime

Saturday, August 23, 2008

One of the highlights of my week was having more quality time with these two, while big sis' is in school.  We enjoyed a little sister playtime each day...and I've tried hard to convince them that taking pictures is part of the fun.  ha. I grateful for these sweet moments, in the midst of a lot of crazy ones.
"Give thanks to the LORD, for HE is good, for His loving kindness is everlasting." Psalm 136:1

8 week update

Saturday, August 23, 2008

It is hard to pause and think about what is happening with this little one.  There is so much going on!  Here's what I can think of (for my own record)...
  • She's definitely eating great!  I think people see her double chin and big belly and question her age..."she's less than two months?"  "Really?"  I'm still not sure how much she weighs now.  Her 2 mo. appointment is soon.
  • Eating and sleeping is improving and we have found some sort of schedule that works.  I'm so grateful that she can sleep in a carseat...because we are on the go for so many naps.
  • Well, we have definitely developed a swing and pacifier addiction.  It has been aided by the fact that her older sisters think its their job to give her a paci, so the minute she fusses there's one in her mouth even before I notice.
  • She is so much more aware of us now.  She'll "interact" for a few minutes, when she's happy.  There are a few gurgles, and baby coos.
  • Her head is more steady, with the cute baby wobble.
Wow, that's more information than I thought I had.  Nice!  


Saturday, August 23, 2008

We have some favorite mispronunciations these days:
Blegos - legos, new favorite toys
Chick-a-flay & Talker Bell - her fave restaurants
Dyer Coke - mom's favorite drink...can I have some, Mom?
Ton-cats - mom's contacts
Rock-a-molie - guacamole
Crash can - trash can

an old favorite

Saturday, August 23, 2008

There's a lego-craze in our house this summer.  I've had a phobia of really small toys for a long time, but I've got to get over that now.  I actually love to watch them build things and be creative.  Karan saved Adam's legos from his childhood.  So, we are enjoying his toys and our new pink & purple girlie ones immensely.:)

1st day of Kindergarten

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our first day of school went great! She was ready for school and had no trouble taking her seat. We tried not to be offended when she didn’t even want to give us a kiss goodbye. It was as if she was thinking, “Ok, you can go now. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time…I’m good. See you later.”
I thought of her through out the day and was sentimental, but (to my surprise) I wasn’t an emotional wreck. In fact, the house was incredibly peaceful and it was awesome! I enjoyed the quiet time with my other girls. It made me realize how bothered I get by the sibling rivalry…it drives me crazy. I was recharged by some time without it, for sure.
We chose for her to go to kindergarten at Sterling. It is a university-model school and I plan on explaining what that is sometime soon. But we are very excited about this year she has ahead. Since I am teaching her at home 2 days a week, I know I’ll be stretched this year as I learn how to do this.
One more thing...we all have to wake up dark-early.  I was asked, "Why is school starting in the middle of the night?"  I didn't expect our front-porch pictures to be in the dark...and the rain.  

getting ready

Monday, August 18, 2008

Dear Sweet Daughter,
Tomorrow morning you start Kindergarten.  I can't believe it!  We have spent all week getting ready and getting excited.  We picked out your backpack (purple w/ pink flowers, what else?), gathered your school supplies, and got your uniform ready.  Dad and I were proud of you when you met your teacher, Ms. Carlson, and you were very polite.  Your classroom looks great and you have 7 other girls in your class with potential to be close friends.  There are 5 boys to play with too, who are hopefully kind like our good friends Aiden and Kade.  It has been busy getting you ready for school, but when we slow down and talk - you express nervousness.  Your Dad and I have found it a privilege to be there for you in these moments.  We want you to know that we are here to help you and you shouldn't feel alone.  It is our desire to help you take this next step, and in so doing, take a step closer to being more dependent on God.  Tonight we asked God to give you courage tomorrow as you walk into an intimidating room with new people.  He can help you make a friend and learn your assignments.  He can help you obey the rules and respect your teacher, when you are tempted to make mischief.  We want you to know that this isn't easy for us either, and we are learning how to depend on God more as we see you growing up.
I am so grateful for you tonight.  I feel like its my first day of school too.  I have butterflies.  I want you to have a great first day, maybe even more than you want it.  And I want you to know...I love you so much.  I'll try to keep-it-together in the morning and not embarrass you too bad by taking many, many pictures.  But I can't make any promises there. 
Love you!

is it wrong?

Monday, August 11, 2008

"Mom, can you take a "sisters" picture of us?"  

Is it wrong...that I was laughing while taking this picture?  It seems like a glimpse of what's to come.  Big sisters will be pushy and they'll have a lot of unappealing ideas of what you should do.  Right, Rachel?

the birthday girl is 3

Saturday, August 9, 2008

We love looking back on our 3 years with you, sweetie. What a joy it has been having you in our family!

the pool party

Saturday, August 9, 2008

We had a fun time on Sat. with a birthday pool party.  I learned something...if you throw together a party at the last minute it is often better than one you put a lot of effort into.  This was a simple party at a neighborhood pool, and we all had a lot of fun.  The birthday girl wanted a "purple - Snow White" party...a little random, I know.  No one makes a Snow White cake, so I had to learn to make a doll cake.  I had fun with that until midnight on Friday night. :)  It was her first party where little friends were invited.  She, unfortunately, wasn't very social because she was sick...we later found out.  We had to work hard all day to get her excited about her birthday.  That was sad because it had been all that she was talking about for weeks.  All in all, I think she'll have fun memories and we all enjoyed spoiling her a little bit!

one sweet friend

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I finally saw my sweet friend, Barie, today.  It took us too long to get together and introduce our baby girls to each other.  They are only 3 days apart!  (Which made me think...our little one is looking chubby like her sisters were).
We loved their feet hanging all over each other...they're close already!
What sweethearts they are in their matching outfits!

time with Nanny & Papa

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

We enjoyed a sweet evening, last Monday, with my Nanny & Papa.  They live about 20 miles north of us.  It has been wonderful having them nearby, almost my whole life.  Now, my girls get to enjoy spending time with them in their home.  I love that!  They have 4 great-granddaughters now.  That's impressive!  They love on all of them so much and I cherish sweet moments with them...like these.

one happy anniversary

Monday, August 4, 2008

Thanks to our amazing parents, we were able to get away for a night for our anniversary.  We enjoyed a great dinner at the Roaring Fork on Congress Ave.  Over dinner we weren't allowed to talk about the kids or church stuff...I forgot how refreshing that is sometimes.  Adam did good in planning the date.  We overnighted at the Hyatt on Town Lake and had breakfast at Magnolia Cafe.  It was such a wonderful break from the 'real world' of motherhood.  And I got 7 straight hours of sleep (thanks Mom!)...hallelujah!

6 years together.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

As of today, we have been married for 6 years.  I have been asked before if it feels like its been that long.  I always joke and say "yes!"  We've had 3 kids!  But I can remember how excited I was to become Adam's wife, like it was yesterday.

she's too much fun.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Just chillin' in her crib...probably thinking, "what's my mom doing?"
Can you tell we love this kid?  We are crazy about her!

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