He never lets go.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Our hearts have been heavy for some dear friends of ours this week.  Our friend, Keith, was very suddenly hospitalized and very sick for the past few days.  He is recovering now after surgery, but for awhile there the situation was very scary.  I get to share life with some very godly people and today I'm thankful for the truths that God has reminded me of, through them and through His word over the past couple of days.
  • God is praiseworthy in our valleys, just as much as He is in our victories.
  • Asking God, "What are you doing in the midst of this?" and "What can I know about You, right now, Lord?" is much more helpful than asking "Why, God?"
  • Everything I have, that is good, belongs to the Lord.  I can't walk around worried that I'll lose what I hold dear.  But I am asked to hold everything that I have with an open hand before the Lord.  
Barie, your faith and close walk with our Heavenly Father through this trial has blessed me and I'm sure your loved ones around you so much!
The girls and I love this song, You Never Let Go.  We heard it on the radio today.  David Crowder sings in worship to our Father....
"Ever faithful 
Ever true
You I know
You never let go....
...Oh, what love, oh, what love
In joy and pain
In sun and rain
You're the same
Oh, You never let go"

big moment

Saturday, October 25, 2008

First thing this morning, they went to the garage and took off her training wheels.  Apparently, they've been talking about it for a week (and I was unaware).  All of a sudden her bike seemed huge to me!  They made many attempts up and down the sidewalk...no complete victories yet.  There will be big lessons in perseverance with this milestone (and patience for us, her helpers)!  But it was a sweet moment.  Knowing that I'd want to watch and take pictures, they set up a chair for me in the frontyard and waited for me to come out...so sweet. (I have them well-trained...yes!)

Ok, it's moments like these that cause me to think...
If someone would have predicted, when I was a newlywed, that in 6 1/2 years I would be watching my oldest daughter learn to ride a bike (with two lil' sisters in tow)...I would have cracked up laughing.  Sometimes, I still can't believe how much my life has changed and how much I've changed because of it.  And this moment today was a rewarding one.  She brings us joy and a crazy, fun life...she always has.

one good smile

Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's Thursday and I am ready for the weekend already.  This new stage of life I'm entering, of running all around to school/events/dance/etc, really makes me tired.  My sweet baby got 15 minute naps here and there all day.  She did good on the go, but she was tired.  After finally taking one long nap in the car, here is her response to finally being home (out of that carseat!).  I totally agree with her!  Home is great.

One more thing...I love how babies can't just smile with their face, they smile using their whole bodies.  They light up and then do this crazy, jerky wiggle.  It will just make your day.

discovering toys!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

She is starting to play! We started to have some exersaucer-time recently.   I think this stage is so much fun!

brave girls & squeaky-clean teeth

Friday, October 17, 2008

The good news:  no cavities.  The bad news: the dentist predicted both of them needing braces one day.  Oh, no!  We need to start praying now for God's provision for that.  The girls did great at the dentist and enjoyed showing off their clean teeth all day.

secret agents on a mission

Friday, October 17, 2008

We enjoyed a fun "secret agent" birthday party today for a sweet kindergarten friend. Her mom, Kristi, did an amazing job on a creative party. When the kiddos first arrived she brings out the cake and starts to serve it. Only when she starts to cut into it, everyone discovers that it is a fake cake. And all of the kids have to become secret agents on a mission to find the real cake. So cute. They are broken up into teams and each team member gets a t-shirt with their team color. They run all around the yard searching for about 10 clues before finding the prize.

After food and cake, Kristi gathered them around and taught them that we are all given a mission. God gave us the Great Commission and He can help us be good agents for Him by telling others about His love. This was followed by one more mission, which led them to the pinata. Here is my girl with the empty pinata on her head, trying to be funny for her friends...classic. It was a great party!

If we didn't have anything else to do...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

...we would just play with her all day long!

being a girl

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I've determined that you can't ever figure out your kids completely, but it is sure fun to try.
When I think of you, I think about how you can be...
  • serious but very silly.
  • grumpy but really sweet.
  • quiet but really expressive.
  • stubborn but very gentle.
You are not my smile-on-demand-kid. You are my struggle-to-fight-the-grumps-kid. But whenever we pray for you or think about you, your Dad and I always remember how sweet you are. How can you be two extremes all at one time?  All I can say is...you must be a girl.

pumpkin pics.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Here in Texas, it was 88 degrees today...but we will just pretend there's cool fall weather and enjoy taking pumpkin pictures!

having fun in "PrincessLand"

Sunday, October 12, 2008

One of our sweet, little friend's birthday was on Saturday at My Party Palace in Round Rock (their motto: where a girl can be a girl).  Oh, my goodness!  This was the cutest little girl's party!  And one big photo opp.
It was little girl heaven. When you first entered the party, you had to change into a princess gown. Then you went to get your makeup on and your nails painted. (While they are sitting at the vanity, they are being interviewed...and the moms don't know this).
Once they were all dressed up they had a lesson in "how to be a princess." And, of course, you had to be powdered with fairy princess dust.
Here's my favorite part! There was a fashion show, where the lady on the microphone presented the answers to the girls' interview questions.
"Miss A. is 5 years old. Her favorite color is blue sparkles and her favorite food is ice cream. She says her favorite animal is a flamingo and when she grows up she wants to be a doctor."  (Sweet!...she can support us in our old age.)
"Miss C. is 3 years old and you can guess what her favorite color is...it's purple. She says that her favorite food is sandwiches and her favorite animal is a tiger. And when she grows up she wants to be a mommy."  (Ahhhh! My heart melted at this point and a few tears welled up.)
And if that wasn't enough - then they go to their tea party with birthday cake!
Thanks Garrett family! We had a blast at the party!

What a great game!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Texas 45 - OU 35...I still can't believe we won! That was awesome. We got to watch the game late thanks to my parent's Tivo. And we enjoyed a fun time at their house with great game snacks...thanks, Mom! The girls and I went to the cutest bday party this morning. I can't wait to post about that.

just a proud mama moment.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Enjoying her tummy time...holding up her head up so good!

hook 'em horns

Friday, October 10, 2008

We are ready for the big TX v. OU game in the morning.  We are all proud Longhorns around here, even the baby was born with team spirit!  Horns up!

national night out

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Our neighborhood celebrated National Night Out on Oct. 7th.    It was the first neighborhood-wide HOA event and a lot of people came.  Adam was volunteered by the ladies on the HOA social committee to be the MC, which he was a great sport about.  The kiddos loved the balloons made by Zippy, the bouncy castle and police badge stickers.  I met a few more moms in the neighborhood, so I was encouraged by that.  This felt like a good step toward getting to know some of our neighbors even better and a fun family night.
This was cool...one of our neighbors is in a band, Hot Sauce, and they performed.  Our neighborhood looked like they knew how to throw a party!  Adam and I really like the band. 
I thought Zippy the Clown was fun in a "keep Austin weird" kind-of-way.

reading 1st words

Monday, October 6, 2008

These are the first words I have heard her read.  I didn't realize how exciting it was going to be to watch her learn!  I won't be able to spell out "secret parent code" with Adam for much longer. 
learning to read

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